The Research Clearinghouse serves as a collection of education research materials, information, policies and practices inside and outside of Princeton University. You can find research on Early Childhood, K-12, Higher Ed and an archive of faculty projects. Education related senior theses and doctoral theses are also listed by year.
Early Childhood

Families are small schools, and parents are children’s first teachers. Every child in America is being home schooled in the sense that children’s expectations, aspirations, and early abilities are shaped at home. Their behaviors, learned skills, and knowledge are forged in the crucible of parent‐child interactions. Yet we know surprisingly little about the nature, frequency, or quality of these interactions.

Department of Psychology at Princeton University studying how children learn, and how their incredible ability to learn supports their development.
Higher Education
Funded by the Education Research Section, Project ADVISE (Analytics and Data Visualization for International Student and Education) brings alive analytics and data on international students and education to inform policymakers, researchers, and the general public. ADVISE provides information based on rigorous academic research that utilizes big data and quantitative methodologies to answer policy-relevant questions.
Helping NYC students navigate a complex high school admissions process
Since 2014-15, the New York City High School Admissions Study has been developing, implementing, and evaluating a range of informational interventions to help NYC 8th graders make more informed high school choices. The aim of these interventions is for less-advantaged students to choose and ultimately enroll in schools that help them succeed academically, reducing educational inequality and the impact of family background on life outcomes.
Faculty Projects
Casey Lew-Williams and coauthor indicate infancy is the foundational period for learning from adults, and the dynamics of the social environment have long been considered central to children’s development. In this paper, the authors reveal a novel, naturalistic approach for studying live interactions between infants and adults.
Stacey Sinclair's findings suggest that underperformance by minorities in academic domains may be driven by the effect implicit racial biases have on educators' pedagogical effectiveness.
In this paper, Christopher Neilson and coauthors study the potential small and large scale effects of a policy designed to produce more informed consumers in the market for primary education. They develop and test a personalized information provision intervention that targets families of public Pre-K students entering elementary schools in Chile.
Student Research
A list of undergraduate student theses from 2018 to date.
A list of doctoral dissertations from 2011 to date.